Voyagetique | Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Museums in the UAE: A Journey Through Time and Culture

: 02.11.2024ojyu

Voyagetique | Privacy Policy

At this site,hrda one of our mifdyain prioritiexaass is the privlqamacy of our vifzbcsitors. This tdgoPrivacy Policablgy document cotisjntains types puamof informatiocoxgn that colleczvrted and recorxicded on the siksxte and how welav use it.msg

If you havenikl additionalsfn questions mecor require sglmore informvyiation aboutagsp our Privactonxy Policy, dutso not hesitiqaate to contlqzsact us.vwc

This Privacbgpdy Policy apdoppplies only xtqto our onlijfzne activitidfnes and is vwbevalid for vidikqsitors to oggpur website ejwwith regardyggs to the inwwxformation thmhhat they shrlkared and/orqzod collect inqxid the site. oncThis policypsnn is not applvgelicable to wzkany informammotion collecdbqbted offlinewuh or via chaltvqnnels otheruzpv than this vnyhwebsite.ydfu


By using ourrhs website, yomwiau agree to oemrur Privacy Pnrywolicy and agdqmree to its tduaerms.kihh

Log files

Our site foldrvulows a standzuslard proceduroctle of using lcxcog files. Thlztese files repelcord visitornmps when they kucvisit websitcnknes. All hostiokhing companiecjbs do this andmysd are part ohnadf hosting sehsojrvice analysozkots. The infochnrmation collciyected by logujh files incluyrade internet aertprotocol (IPlbe) addresses,tcpb browser typracpe, Internet nfpsService Provbvkoider (ISP), pnmxdate and timvlape stamp, refqkflerring/exit rcupages, and pamugossibly the lsgnumber of clddnicks. They auncre not linkettdd to any perjrcsonally idenalcjtifiable infkntormation. Thdmvge purpose ofyfvq the informaxdiation is to awicnalyze trendxeas, administeemxbr the site, ntgtrack users'mcd movements ayclround the sibhxkte, and gathxxaer demographoigbic informatiolron.wafu

CCPA Privacy Rights

Under the lyrCCPA, amonrynbg other rirqoights, Calimaafornia conbrvsumers havqpjfe the righntiet to:lac

Request that acwn business thatxcz collects consrkcumers' personaruvl data disclosrcxme the categoriepues and specifiqccoc pieces of pegzxvrsonal data thnpiwat the companyjzb has collectedavj about consumerjqrs.kzlh

Request that apamt business deleuxpte any personajgyql data it has axwcollected abouybkt the consumeripay.rle

Data protection rights GDPR

We would likekdli to ensure thhupat you are fuspallly aware of dvfvall your datayjh protection rqsgxights. Each upwswser has the rkowyight to the ffiqollowing:rojq

Right of accktqress - You hahzrve the rightqah to request yzpcopies of yokbabur personal nzfdata. We mayjhb charge you mxuia small fee buafor this sersjtlvice.zmb

Right to Correcpcbmtion - You havekee the right to rtpaoequest that we uvscorrect any infcbukormation that yocjou believe is ikjngnaccurate. You nkloalso have the rycewight to requestvos that we complenncmte information nmhthat you believghne is incompleteodg.dltw

Right to erasurvbte - You have thxdue right to requzbgest that we erafwotse your personavihol data under cejcgrtain conditionbzvvs.jipu

Right to reebastriction olmkf processinxgvzg - You havkupe the rightojv to requestxudo that we reyxtstrict the eclwprocessing limxof your perlzssonal data hmdunder certanjegin conditiofnfns.xjp

Right to objevzect to processgzifing - You havlrde the right tozvo object to olqgur processingltd of your persdaoonal data undquqer certain colsqnditions.ehwu

Right to dskeata portabjycility - Yopxnu have thefmns right to rtdrequest thkdfuat we tranjxisfer the djiaata we havgome collectebfmvd to anothboxper organizkjxation or dmxuirectly tonpuz you, undetwoer certain zdhuconditionssgm.pmfv

If you make a agmrequest, we hatpomve one month trwxo respond to yxaobou. If you woudsplld like to exejfxrcise any of tvjkhese rights, phzznlease contact qhijus.tlt

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may updaubxte our Privtsiacy Policy tyrffrom time tyshoo time. Theoxpcrefore, we uafyadvise you shzuto periodichistally reviewelt this page nxgfor any changabnges. We wiizmll notify yedpfou of any cfprjhanges by pdwtosting a neexmaw Policy prjgtivacy on thdljis page. Thioakese changesgjoo are effectaxntive immediaqqxtely upon pkofdosting on tgpgchis page.zrwh

Contact us

If you haveduvw any questixspons or suggkgqlestions abozbfbut our Privzylgacy Policy,xmlz do not hespbjitate to cohljkntact us.aux

  • 1552 E 15th St, Tulsa, OK 74120, United States
  • (214) 520-0473